Hopeful tales of sport

Hopeful tales of sport

Sporting Tales – our new book, just published – is about finding more imaginative ways to engage with the unprecedented challenges our times, and brings together a huge range of insight and imagination from elite athletes, academic experts, poets, artists...
Badvert of the month (November): BMW

Badvert of the month (November): BMW

Company: BWM Location: Brussels, November 2023 Following a recent flurry of adverts for electric vehicles (EVs) by some of the world’s largest carmakers, one could be mistaken that these companies are taking decarbonisation as a serious matter. The reality is rather...
Oily ads will continue to slip out of the reach of regulators

Oily ads will continue to slip out of the reach of regulators

A second ban on ads for Repsol within just five months has raised eyebrows and serious questions about the ability of advertising regulation to keep greenwashing in check. Back in June, when the ASA banned a suite of ads for three of the world’s largest oil and gas...
Car Free Megacities

Car Free Megacities

Great cities set the tone for modern living and a new campaign for Car Free Megacities is aiming to improve the music of our urban streets as well as clear their air. The campaign is writing to the mayors of Paris, New York and London to ask if they will...